Dawn Grayson

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since Oct 29, 2022
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Judson Carroll wrote:

I am politically conservative and a very orthodox Catholic.  I would say, traditional, but that entails an obsession with the Latin Mass.  I study Latin and would prefer to attend a Latin mass, but I am not obsessed with language.  Jesus spoke Aramaic.  The apostles spoke Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin, Greek... etc.  

Hi Judson,

What are your feelings on charismatic Catholic churches?  From what I've seen, this is where a large number of Catholic families that are keeping traditional values alive are currently attending.  The standard (non-Latin mass) Catholic churches seem to be attended by an increasingly aging population.  Although there are some families with kids in these churches they seem to be mostly "Cultural" catholics.  

I was home schooled and raised mostly Catholic.  It's a long story but my parents (still married) have attended different churches ever since I was about 7 years old.  It certainly gives one food for thought on topics like this.
2 years ago
It's very possible to grow lettuce indoors just like you would start any plant from seed.  If you already have grow lights and potting mix and containers to grow transplants for your spring garden, then it's really easy to re-purpose those to grow lettuce in the winter.  If you don't have those things then it would take more than $10 to get started.  I don't think that it would be successful to grow lettuce indoors without an extra light.  The winter sunlight filtering through a window is not strong enough to grow nice healthy lettuce leaves.

I already have parsley and basil growing indoors this winter.  Thanks for the little reminder to get some lettuce seeds going as well!