Robert Ray

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since Jul 06, 2009
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Recent posts by Robert Ray

Congratulations, a position not to be taken lightly. To be chosen how magnificent.
5 days ago
My champion juicer has a nut butter attachment.
2 weeks ago
We use a tankless Toyotomi water heater. Should I want I can add a tank, pumps and manifolds for hydronic under floor heating. Have never run out of hot water.
2 weeks ago
Peppermint oil for protecting engine compartments is pretty common in our neck of the woods. The use of soy as a component in wire insulation on modern cars has exacerbated the problem. One wonders how many trips that mouse has taken to fill the air cleaner or heater ducts with 50 lbs of dog food or sunflower seeds. "Mighty Mint" is a brand that I am asked for. I'm sure that one could make their own peppermint spray. Underhood ultrasonic units have had mixed results. But peppermint oil works not sure if other mints would work or not.
2 weeks ago
We have obtained harvesting permits for National Park properties. Mushrooms, deciduous plants, evergreens, mistletoe, even lava/pumice rocks. Checking in with the Forest service the quantity and type of plants available from a certain area are clearly defined in our experience.
3 weeks ago
Caragana, grows pretty quickly. Can be maintained in a hedge.
3 weeks ago
So many places to go nearby. The Alvord Desert is very close and at night from horizon to horizon nothing but stars. Daughter had to get Life Flighted to Boise one weekend after crashing on a motorcycle but still a place we like to go to.
3 weeks ago