Robert Ray

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since Jul 06, 2009
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Cascades Central Oregon zone 3/4
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If we lived in a different climate, I would take concrete over asphalt. Our climate and ground heaving in the winter plays hell on concrete.  The compacted granite is far more forgiving than either.
2 days ago
I'm actually working on two ADA compliant paths. Don't forget the access point to the trailhead start. This might be a starting point for your research.

One trail is for a developing/upgrading an inclusive playground at an already established playground. We received a grant for 31k and that doesn't go far when we're talking ADA compliance.
The other is river access to a handicapped accessible kayak dock. In some areas the use of compacted granite will be used and at others asphalt will have to be used.
3 days ago
You have to have a hard no limit. A, this is the least I will accept or most I will give mindset. Being able to say no is important too.
My septic tank gives off enough heat in the winter to melt much of the snow. A neighbor places his potted roses on the top of his tank during the winter.  I started doing the same thing if I have trees that have not landed in their permanent location. A few hay bales around the footprint of the tank trees inside the bales and straw over them.
1 week ago
I would like to see more localized regulation decisions. The states having more control of some regulatory decisions. I may be jumping into a fire though; Oregon is definitely split between red and blue depending on what side of the Cascades you are on. Diversity is tough, meritocracy is pretty important. Like picking teams for a game in grade school, feelings get hurt.  The "Peter Principle" does seem to be alive and well in some government selections.
2 weeks ago
Socks before Shoes. Do the simple things first. The charging issue may have nothing to do with limited acceleration, but you need to address it eventually. Check the ATF level. Check to see if a caliper is hanging up as James suggested.
2 weeks ago
Do you have a multi meter? If you do rather than having to remove the battery or alternator, try this: What is the voltage of the battery after sitting overnight disconnected? With the vehicle running what is the voltage at the battery? With the vehicle running what is the voltage coming off the alternator large post that goes to the battery?
A healthy battery after resting should read 12.65
At the battery with the vehicle running the voltage should be at roughly 13.5
At the alternator the reading should be that 13.5 too.
So after resting less than 12.65 at the battery, pas bien. Might be a little less depending on the batteries age.
At the battery while running less than that roughly 13.5 it's not getting charged. Bad alternator or an issue with the wiring from alternator to battery.
At the alternator if it is showing that roughly 13.5 alternator is good. 13.5 at alternator but not at battery wiring issue.
2 weeks ago
Low Automatic Transmission Fluid level. Most parts stores in my area will let you use a OBDII reader in the parking lot. An OBDII reader from Amazon or e-bay can be picked up for 30.00.  Once you get a code if the reader does not identify the issue a simple Lexus PO#### search will identify the problem they always start PO####.
The O'Reily reader would be just fine.
2 weeks ago
So many things to look at. Transmission shift solenoids, low ATF level, Knock sensor, air/fuel ratio, low voltage, battery at the end of its life cycle. Time to run the OBDII and look at the codes to get a starting point.
2 weeks ago
I have changed from using harsher acids for taking flux off of silver soldered Jewelry pieces in my pickling pot. Citric acid and baking soda for a scouring powder. citric acid and salt for removing tarnish on copper and brass.
2 weeks ago