Zeo Phillpotts

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since Oct 16, 2018
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Recent posts by Zeo Phillpotts

Ozark area, NW Arkansas

We have been blessed with several wild persimmon trees on our property (1800' elev) in rocky, clay heavy soil. I love to wander the field, gathering the fallen fruit, eating out of hand the softest/sweetest fruit. My goats and dogs follow me, eating what they find, if I'm not quick enough. I've saved the pulp from my last harvest in my freezer, but have yet to find a recipe I like to use it up. Suggestions?
I have no idea what variety they are, chromosome count, but they are delicious!
1 year ago
I have a small "koi pond" that constantly collects wind blown leaves, twigs, lily pads, water plant material, and anything else that  might fall in. Every few years i drain it to clean out the organic black sludge collected at the bottom.
Can this sludge be used in my garden? I'm guessing its anaerobicly produced, since its been 4ft down in the water, and smells somewhat sulfurous. It would be a shame to just dump it in the adjacent field it i couldn't find a good use for it.
Suggestions please?
5 years ago