Heather Sharpe wrote:When you get a UV flashlight, hoping to find the source of a cat pee smell, but then upon using it, realize it causes all sorts of other organic matter to fluoresce in interesting ways. So you end up spending half the night playing with it, looking at herbal salves, collected rainwater, wood, rocks, the composting toilet, spiders and insects, basically everything in your house other than potential locations of the smell you ostensibly got it to find...Then after seeing how neat fungus in your firewood looks with it, you start contemplating taking it out to explore the yard at night once the new moon rolls around and it's dark enough out there for it to work well...
Ralph Sluder wrote:I second the grandkids.
They love to help around the gardens.
When they are not around..
A garden spade. I love to use it and seem to need it every day. With my clay and hardpan it breaks clumps, mixes compost in, removes that terrible grass, digs small drainage channels and even kills cottonmouths. We have a lot of them here, see photo.
Ralph Sluder wrote: Here in the 8b deep south the bluebirds are showing up en-mass. Spent the last several days replacing and rebuilding their birdhouses and cleaning out last years debris.
We love watching them go through 3+ broods every year, but the benefit to my gardens is worth the effort alone. They can sure put away beetle larvae and grasshoppers while feeding their young.