Roger Fergus

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since Jan 25, 2016
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Recent posts by Roger Fergus

I'm very sad to hear this. I trust that you have made good arrangements. Please be sure of your final destiny. I will be praying for you. Sincerely, Marshall
6 years ago
A grounding wire would be a good idea. You could just wrap it around the T posts to ground it. Fencing companies actually sell fences with hot and ground wires alternating for dryer climates.
It could also be that were the pigs are getting out the electricity had already been grounded. Make sure that there is nothing touching your fence or it will not work.
Just my 2 cents. RF
6 years ago
Hi there, (this is one of my first posts so I hope I don't sound to stiff/harsh/blunt/ect.)
The size of a chick is determined by the size of its egg.
The size of a adult chicken is not necessarily determined by the size of its egg.

Eggs do not begin to grow until they reach somewhere above 80 degrees F, this way a hen can get all of her eggs to hatch within a couple hours of each other. Embryos viability is significantly decreased by 2 weeks. The faster you can collect the eggs the better!
I hope this is helpful. If you want more detailed info I would recommend looking at a forum called backyard chickens. There is alot at really great information there.

Hope your hatching goes well! Roger.
7 years ago
Thank you for volunteering your time to keep this forum running!
I separated the seed pods from the stem, beat them up with a rock until they were mostly separated, and then put them in water and threw away every thing that floated.(About 2/3 to 3/4 of the seeds sank) I have not done a germination test yet, so they might end up being all the duds.
8 years ago
It looks like it might possibly be a Black walnut. If it has round smooth nuts forming than I would say that it definitely is a Black Walnut!

Not sure what else it might be.....
8 years ago
I have chickens and have never experienced it myself, though I have heard of chickens breaking them when trying to fly!
8 years ago

Jessica Padgham wrote:Does anyone know what the actual temperature threshold is for damaging flowers and fruit? We have an apricot (we think) that managed to flower for the first time in the three years we have lived in this house. Just as it was starting the temp went down to 30F overnight and that did not seem to do any damage. It's been blooming beautifully and buzzing with bees for about two weeks now and the weather is threatening to turn much colder. The tree is much too big to cover so I'm wondering what my chances are of actually getting some fruit this year.

You could try covering a couple branches to get fruit off of at least them. I'm not sure if that would prevent them from getting frozen. But you might as well try. (and maybe post the results of your experiment )
8 years ago

Jessica Padgham wrote:I was under the impression that mason bees are really only active in the spring. Don't they lay eggs and then die in late spring?

There are different kinds of mason bees that "hatch" at different times of the year.
So one kind of mason bee will be out from April-May while another variety comes out for June-July ect.
8 years ago
I'm using the latest version of Firefox(as far as I know) and haven't had any problems.