Mike Haasl

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since Mar 24, 2016
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Mike is a homesteader, gardener, engineer, wood worker, blacksmith and most recently a greenhouse designer. He heard about permaculture in 2015 and has been learning ever since.
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Northern WI (zone 4)
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Recent posts by Mike Haasl

I'm going to hazard a guess and say the answer is no.  

It's close but it's not the most popular joke on the internet   :)
1 hour ago
I'm not sure on the bolt.  I think a "screw extractor" might be the ticket.  I think you get a set of them, then drill a small hole down the center of the broken bolt, then use the extractor to reverse the piece of bolt out.  But I've never done it myself so I'm not positive.

On the piping for the trombe, if you're hoping warm air will rise, go across and then drop into the screen, I "think" it will.  I believe the downward bit at the end will really fight the natural draft.  I'd use the shortest possible stub on that downwards section to hinder the draft as little as possible.  I'd actually remove the pipe nipple all together and attach the screen to the tee.  Now that I think more about it, if moisture intrusion is the only worry, I'd remove the plug from the end of the tee and have the tee open on both the end and the downward facing bit.  Wrap the screen around the whole tee.  Then rising air can travel horizontally out of the contraption and water that might get in the end would likely drip out the downward bit.

Sorry for all the words, if I had more time I'd condense it...
This is a long shot but if someone happened to have a car hauler and rig and wanted to transport a car for me from western WY to northern WI, I'd love to talk money.  I could offer some maple syrup making experience (it's that time of year here) and lodging on this end of your trip.  The car is perfectly drive-able but it's a short range EV so it needs to be hauled.  Looking to get this sorted asap otherwise I'll just go with a transport company.  Thanks!
1 day ago
I don't know how to do it but I bet Nicole has a way to get you the images for all the badges on the signature lines.  I have the PEM ones like this:

This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEM curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Waste Streams.

Are you ready for a sticky subject?  You guessed it, it's poop.  I like the Humanure Handbook but Paul Wheaton has some ideas about poop as well.  Let's make an adaptation of his willow feeder that stays put.  This is intended to be for infrequent use, perhaps near a garden.


Here's the idea.  It is a garbage can with a toilet seat in the place of the lid.  You contribute to it like a normal willow feeder except there is no urine diverter and you can urinate into it (ideally only when pooping).  The can can be sunk into the ground but emptying in the future will be trickier.  A black vent pipe extends 20 or more feet up the sunny side of a tree or post to draw air up like a chimney.  Another vent enters the can through the lid and goes down an inch from the bottom.  There is an insect screen on that vent.  This is intended for infrequent use, perhaps 5 times a week.  It might take many years to fill up.  At that point the normal lid is attached (with the same vents) and it rests and ventilates for two years before going to a willow tree.  A second willow can would then be put into service.

This is a new idea so there aren't any videos of it.  Here's one of emptying willow cans though:

Minimum requirements:
  - Experiment with a simpler willow feeder for infrequent use
  - Twenty foot high solar chimney vent at least 2" in diameter
  - Screened air vent to bottom of can (from lid) at least 2" in diameter
  - Body of garbage can is not modified
  - Toilet seat for comfort
  - Copious sawdust for covering deposits

Provide proof of the following as pictures or video (<2 min):
  - Can with new toilet seat lid and vent pipe holes
  - View into can when ready for its first deposit
  - Black vent pipe in a tree or up a pole on the sunny side
  - Paragraph or two about how it has worked after at least 20 deposits
4 days ago
This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEM curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Waste Streams.

Are you ready for a sticky subject?  You guessed it, it's poop.  Instead of wasting fresh water to send those turds to a septic or sewer, let's compost them in a humanure composting system!  

This BB and a few adjacent to it fully influenced by Joseph Jenkens' The Humanure Handbook edition 4.  Joseph is a wonderful man who posted the book on his website for any who can't buy it.  I'd highly recommend it and, if you're short on time, look at chapter 14 The Tao of Compost.


Here's Joseph visiting a festival using compost toilets and a composting system:

Minimum requirements:
  - Promote humanure by bringing a compost toilet to an event for use by the attendees
  - At least 50 attendees and 3 hours long
  - At least one toilet cabinet with full supplies
  - At least two containers/buckets
  - Privacy stall
  - Signage to educate and promote the idea
  - Payload(s) leave with you to add to a humanure composting pile
  - Must follow the Humanure Handbook philosophy

Provide proof of the following as pictures or video (<2 min):
  - Stall you set up for patrons to use
  - Toilet cabinet, signage and supplies in a stall
  - Promotional materials outside the stall
  - Show the event has at least 50 attendees
  - Adding the payload(s) to a humanure compost bin system
4 days ago
This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEM curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Waste Streams.

Are you ready for a sticky subject?  You guessed it, it's poop.  Instead of wasting fresh water to send those turds to a septic or sewer, let's try to turn them into food!

This BB and a few adjacent to it fully influenced by Joseph Jenkens' The Humanure Handbook edition 4.  Joseph is a wonderful man who posted the book on his website for any who can't buy it.  I'd highly recommend it and, if you're short on time, look at chapter 14 The Tao of Compost.


Here's one way to do it:

Minimum requirements:
  - Build a 2+ bin compost system designed to manage humanure, and other compostables if you wish
  - Includes a way to keep cover materials dry
  - Has sides to contain it
  - Includes a way to empty it fully without lifting contents out the top
  - No plywood, treated or man-made wood products
  - Includes a very clear "Don't use until XX/XX/XX" sign for one bin
  - Must follow the Humanure Handbook philosophy

Provide proof of the following as pictures or video (<2 min):
  - Place where the bins will go
  - Bins under construction
  - Show dug out "dish" in the earth under each bin
  - Finished bins with dry storage space for cover materials
  - Sign indicating when the resting compost is ready for distribution
4 days ago
This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEM curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Waste Streams.

Are you ready for a sticky subject?  You guessed it, it's poop.  Instead of wasting fresh water to send those turds to a septic or sewer, let's compost them in a humanure composting system that's optimized for a really cold location!  

This BB and a few adjacent to it fully influenced by Joseph Jenkens' The Humanure Handbook edition 4.  Joseph is a wonderful man who posted the book on his website for any who can't buy it.  I'd highly recommend it and, if you're short on time, look at chapter 14 The Tao of Compost.

Joseph lives in a USDA zone 6 area and keeps his compost cooking through the winter.  Let's prove it can be done in zone 4b or colder!  Sorry if you don't live in a cold enough place.  Maybe the warmth is some solace?


There aren't any videos of how to do this so this is a chance to be creative and show others how to do it.

Minimum requirements:
  - Operate a humanure composting system outside in a frigid climate
      - Can be inside a dedicated composting building that isn't heated by fossil fuels
      - Can be in a hoophouse or greenhouse as long as people don't spend much time in there
  - Zone 4b or colder (annual extreme minimum temp of -20F or -29C)
  - Bin core temp stays above 80F all winter
  - Two or more bins so one can rest a year while filling the other
  - Must follow the Humanure Handbook philosophy

Provide proof of the following as pictures or video (<2 min):
  - Humanure composting bins in use
  - Photo of compost thermometer next to phone with the date showing
       - One pic per month for Jan, Feb, Mar and Apr
4 days ago
This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEM curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Waste Streams.

Are you ready for a sticky subject?  You guessed it, it's poop.  Instead of wasting fresh water to send those turds to a septic or sewer, let's compost them in a humanure composting system!  

This BB and a few adjacent to it fully influenced by Joseph Jenkens' The Humanure Handbook edition 4.  Joseph is a wonderful man who posted the book on his website for any who can't buy it.  I'd highly recommend it and, if you're short on time, look at chapter 14 The Tao of Compost.


Here's Joseph visiting a festival using compost toilets and a composting system:

Minimum requirements:
  - Create a humanure experience for a fair, festival or similar type of large event where there wasn't one before
  - At least 200 people for 6 hours
  - At least 3 stalls with compost toilets (containers, seat, cover materials, etc)
  - Composting pile on site
  - Signage in stalls explaining the system
  - Help/volunteers are allowed to move containers and build composting pile
  - Must follow the Humanure Handbook philosophy

Provide proof of the following as pictures or video (<2 min):
  - Stalls for patrons to use
  - Signage and supplies in a stall
  - Compost pile ready for use at the start of the event
  - Adding materials to the pile during the event
  - Finished pile at the end of the event
4 days ago
This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEM curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Waste Streams.

Are you ready for a sticky subject?  You guessed it, it's poop.  Instead of wasting fresh water to send those turds to a septic or sewer, let's compost them in a humanure composting system that's optimized for a really cold location!  

This BB and a few adjacent to it fully influenced by Joseph Jenkens' The Humanure Handbook edition 4.  Joseph is a wonderful man who posted the book on his website for any who can't buy it.  I'd highly recommend it and, if you're short on time, look at chapter 14 The Tao of Compost.

Joseph lives in a USDA zone 6 area and keeps his compost cooking through the winter.  Let's prove it can be done in zone 4b or colder!  Sorry if you don't live in a cold enough place.  Maybe the warmth is some solace?


There aren't any videos of how to do this so this is a chance to be creative and show others how to do it.

Minimum requirements:
  - Operate a humanure composting system outside in a frigid climate
      - Can be inside a dedicated composting building that isn't heated by fossil fuels
      - Can be in a hoophouse or greenhouse as long as people don't spend much time in there
  - Zone 4b or colder (annual extreme minimum temp of -20F or -29C)
  - Bin core temp stays above 80F all winter
  - Two or more bins so one can rest a year while filling the other
  - Must follow the Humanure Handbook philosophy

Provide proof of the following as pictures or video (<2 min):
  - Humanure composting bins in use
  - Photo of compost thermometer next to phone with the date showing
       - One pic per month for Jan, Feb, Mar and Apr
4 days ago