bruce Fine

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since May 15, 2016
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Recent posts by bruce Fine

not just little bugs can get you
got this critter today, glad I'm not dead
6 months ago
raccoons seek out food sources. I had a situation where raccoons were getting into my pet food storage containers until I built a raccoon proof wooden box to store containers of pet food. thats just my situation.having raccoons coming around has nothing to do with trees unless the trees produce something that raccoons want to eat.
I think of raccoons as eat and run opportunists unlike possums that will climb up a tree and hang out there and take up residence
7 months ago
why do you not want a lawn?  is that all that surrounds house? are there any trees or shrubs? flower bed? garden? and where is this, north, south, east, west?  I'm guessing this is in a suburban neighborhood where people have yards that are manicured. if your thinking that a lawn mower that uses gas is a environmental problem, your right, but there are lots of great rechargeable electric mowers now that dont use fossil fuels. it would maybe help to understand your motivation.
if your in a suburban neighborhood I would maybe think about planting some trees and mulching around the trees. a well manicured yard in suburbs adds much to value. its called curb appeal.
if your in the desert where there is no water there is tasteful landscaping called xeriscape.
7 months ago
get yourself a load tester and disconnect each battery to test. carbon pile load testers are the best but ones with 100 amp element can be had for as low as $20USD
7 months ago
Peter storm makes some pretty darn good raincoats
7 months ago
if you put some drip edge along the opening you made it will help keep your 2x4"'s preserved from seasonal moisture.
I once did something very similar to my wood fence when I lived in the burbs and a big tree decided to branch out beyond the property line.
after coming in contact if not washed off usually by the next day for me anyway itching and rash begins. I have in the past washed it off with clean rags or paper towels drenched in alcohol.
I had an encounter with the dreaded vine about ten years ago that I will not forget. took shower after coming in serious contact and I think bar of soap spread it and suffered for weeks
anyway ive stayed as far away as possible but in building this structure  its right there and mowing will only spread the leaves and vines.
I know there are lots of herbalist here and was wondering if there might be a potion to neutralize the oils right on the leaves and vines that are the cause of  skin irritation
7 months ago
im trying to build this lean to for lumber storage and there is poison ivy in the way. ive gotten pretty good at stunting growth and even killing it with vinegar, soap, water and salt solution. ive tried covering it with pieces of old roofing tin. and plywood but the vines eventually find a bit of sun and start growing like crazy. it seems I can break out in rash just by a light touch or brush up against the live or dead vines or leaves. its much too hot out to even wear an old baggy goodwill long sleeve white dress shirt for protection.
is there a concoction or potion that the plant matter can be treated with to neutralize the evil effects of the oils that cause skin irritation and rash.?
7 months ago
its not just common sense to build structure properly. there are no building codes in my county other than septic is needed and if you want grid power wiring needs to be to standard national code. near me there is a house where a concrete slab was poured over what I guess was supposed to be a garage or parking area. it was not reinforced or supported correctly and the whole thing collapsed it is visible from road and thats how I know about it. if your going to build something codes or no codes do it right the first time and it will last a long long time.
7 months ago
that looks bad. but the leaves popping out of branches still look very good. if it were me I would just let it do what its going top do this year and if the tree survives which it very likely might in the spring when when flowers pop out that is the time to prune it.
I have some trees with very ugly scars but they keep on growing.
7 months ago