Beth Love

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since Aug 18, 2016
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Hi Yury! This looks like a great tool, and a helpful thing to have around the homestead. I could use one for planting some seeds today even
Ecominded is a lovely website too! I especially love the felted wool critters and the birch combs- so beautiful!
Thanks so much for the giveaway.
4 years ago
Hi Yury! This looks great, and like a great thing to have on the homestead! Your products over at ecominded are lovely, too. I especially love all the felted critters, and the birch combs are just beautiful.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
4 years ago
Hello! I got myself a grow light last year and am wondering if anyone has any pointers about starting seeds. Last year I started things a bit late so did get some things to grow but not much thrived. I don't have a greenhouse (yet) to transition things to but am growing things for a plant sale at my kiddo's school on May 2nd so could maybe move some things to the school greenhouse, but not much.

Thanks in advance!
I use cedar in our closet and it seems to work even despite the gorgeous little gold moths I do see flitting around sometimes. I have a few cedar blocks screwed into hooks that hang on our clothing bar, and I made a spray with water and cedar essential oil that I spray in there occasionally and spray generously on everything wool in our house (my son is in a Waldorf school so we have lots of wool roving and yarn and such around for crafting).
5 years ago
Welcome, Phil! You guys have some really cute prints and quality-looking products. Thanks for the giveaway
5 years ago