John C Daley

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since May 25, 2016
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Recent posts by John C Daley

You may be thinking of Ground anchors that are used in major  earthworks to hold various structures, slopes or embankments stable.
Its a real Engineering science, known as Geotechnical Engineering and is more sophisticated that what I see above.
A 6 feet deep trench is a trap looking for a body unless you do it correctly.
Somewhere I have a great video detailing different systems, I will look for it.
11 hours ago
have had a lot of experience with these types of building, but I would need to see photos of the current situation to start with.
Some exterior shots, of bare timber frame, frame to foundation connection at least.
11 hours ago
Sean, can I suggest with 300ft of irrigation pipe the use of 1 inch pipe as feeder lines or even as a circular ring with spokes going across
will give you better flow with a higher pressure level at each sprinkler.
1 week ago
Interesting comments all around.
Things are different from when I started using nails!
Today I apply these rules;
- use galvanised nails only
  you never have to throw them away if they get wet.
  They grip better
  They are easy to reuse
- Modern screws are great and dont work loose like some nails can.
But the real issue is these bolts I have collected below, they can take hours to get into place.
1 week ago
I believe a big issue with many people is wanting more than they need.
I am not a religous person, so I am not coming from that angle.
I often hear,' that is a nice big bedroom, huge lounge" etc, it all costs money they may not have needed to spend.

I have written an article about good debt , bad debt and published widely.
It always creates discussion for obvious reasons,
I have a small home, but I can afford to race motorcycles as a result, that is one advantage of good, appropriate debt.
A link is in my signature.
1 week ago
Matt, I use a desktop.
And r ranson, creating a new category is the language i should be using.
Wood heating could have forums RMH, Masonary heaters, types of wood, flue systems wet backs,
I have a suggestion about the Energy  forum.
Its often full of Rocket Mass Heater stuff and its hard to find topics on energy production or efficiency.
Could heating be created as a separate Forum?
And keep energy production etc separate.
Thank you I have printed it for reference.
1 week ago