Most people are lacking in Magnesium; needed for many of the bodies functions including sugar regulation. Always start with balancing minerals and trace minerals and removing heavy metals and toxins; just like you should do first for new garden soil. Always get minerals and trace minerals from sources that are or were alive. Same for vitamins. Supplements that use chelation(most of them) are attempting to attach "nutrients" to protein or amino acids, to trick your body to accept it as being food. Just eat real food and you are good to go.
The purpose of insulin, contrary to establishment beliefs, is not to regulate sugar, IMHO. The purpose of insulin is to store extra sugars as fat. If we lived naturally like other animals, we would have periods when little food was available(fasting). We would not have access to refined sugars. There would be times of the year when there are crops that ripen, apples and berries for examples, making available more natural sugars. Insulin stores this extra food supply as fat to get you through times of little food, like the winter.
Do not be fooled into substituting sugar with chemical sweeteners such as aspartame or Splenda. In all likelihood aspartame causes sugars to be unbalanced. Splenda is a laxative, it is NOT made from sugar, that is a deception. I am sure if studies were actually done, there would be many adverse effects to health found from Splenda. The chemical companies learned their lesson from studies done showing aspartame was poison, as designed, so with Splenda they just avoided the studies IMHO.
Stevia is a safe sugar substitute. Honey and maple sugar and agar are better choices than refined sugar. Any natural unrefined sugar source is better, health wise, than refined sugar.
This is where I would get a sugar substitute if I could afford it and/or if I were allegedly diabetic:
Justlikesugar's sweetness seems to me to be less than sugar but triggers the same taste buds and has the same texture. Not sugar at all, natural sources, but from my limited experience is closer tasting to sugar than any artificial sweet tasting chemical. Not sure about Splenda, I avoid ingesting chemicals as much as possible, so I do not know or care what that tastes like. FYI all.