Susan Boyce

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since Apr 30, 2019
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Myrtle Creek, Oregon
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Recent posts by Susan Boyce

I made the same mistake, I did not give enough monies to get it all, oh well
1 month ago
I had this on kickstarter but you want $100 to watch it!
1 month ago
I have never ever had any problems signing in before..and my setting are the same.
I only have a MAC computer no phone no pads no tablets etc.
When I try to sign in it generates my email but won't put it in, so I have to type it in, then it goes to another page where nothing is generated and I have to type in the password.
When I sign in I have to type in my email and password, it wasn't that way before, will this be fixed?
When I sign in I have to type in my email and password, it wasn't that way before, will this be fixed?
Goose as long as it lays golden eggs that magically make me wealthy!
5 months ago
Weeding the garden, I do it now, its good therapy for me, chopping wood can be done with a splitter!
5 months ago