Susan Boyce

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since Apr 30, 2019
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Myrtle Creek, Oregon
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Recent posts by Susan Boyce

I grew up using a sewing machine but am learning to appreciate the things that are just as well done by hand. My hand sewing has improved a lot since I did start to treat it as a beneficial skill, rather than a poor alternative to the machine. Particularly when adjusting or mending, hand sewing rocks!

You are right Jay, we don't need to rely on electricity if we sew by hand and build our skills while we sew.
6 days ago
Just got through sewing my denim overalls, they always rip above the double knee area on my carhartts. They are too expensive not to sew up and repair. I found almost new sweat pants at an estate sale, super cheap, but about 4 inches too long, so I will cut and re- hem those too. Haven't learned to use a sewing machine yet so it's all done by hand for now.
6 days ago
I was looking to watch the video for free like Permies promised, not buy PIE
1 month ago
I received this message but it goes to a blank page saying I need PIE!
Regularly $10, free to watch till Sunday at 2 in the PIE forum.

In this in 1.5 hour webinar PLUS Q&A you will have the chance to learn with a professional rocket mass heater and cob building specialist - Chris "Uncle Mud" McClellan who will walk you through step by step what you'll need to know in order to build an efficient greenhouse powered by a rocket mass heater.

Find out the best materials and methods to build something that will stand the test of time!

With insights from Paul Wheaton!

Uncle Mud (aka Chris McClellan) raises free-range, organic children in suburban Ohio. He has been using natural building as his soapbox to preach self-reliance and community empowerment, since 2004. Building houses, pizza ovens, and woodstoves with mud and junk is his way of sharing the Can-Do spirit. He writes, teaches workshops and hosts a mud pit and DIY building demonstrations at Fairs across the US.  You can find him at

You can watch it here:
1 month ago
I made the same mistake, I did not give enough monies to get it all, oh well
3 months ago
I had this on kickstarter but you want $100 to watch it!
3 months ago
I have never ever had any problems signing in before..and my setting are the same.
I only have a MAC computer no phone no pads no tablets etc.
When I try to sign in it generates my email but won't put it in, so I have to type it in, then it goes to another page where nothing is generated and I have to type in the password.
When I sign in I have to type in my email and password, it wasn't that way before, will this be fixed?