Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
In my life, there is the family that I was born into, and the family that I have chosen. I didn't have any choice about my birth family, so they have to take me exactly how I am today. If they get hurt feelings about something, then that seems like a defect in their personalities, and they really aught to work on it, because it is their problem not mine. If I feel guilty about interacting with them, then that is my problem, and I really aught to work on it, because that is my problem, and not theirs. If they can't be gracious to me, then I really don't have any space in my life for them. My chosen family would never ever criticize me regarding gift giving, or the lack thereof. My chosen family applauds my lifestyle, my vow of poverty, and my choice to grow my own food rather than to buy it from The Corporation.
I really feel this way about my family right now. My family is refusing to come see my husband, children, and father-in-law because we live in his home on acreage. They feel "uncomfortable". My father-in-law had a stroke and a heart attack and we moved to care for him. In my eyes we are doing what is honorable, right, and just. In their eyes I am sacrificing too much. Don't get me wrong, it is a lot between the acreage, animals, caring for him and caring for my children but I feel that I am looking to the future. I would truly like to see us turn his property into a self-sustaining place (unbeknownst to my family...they would flip
I have friends who are much more supportive and they accept me as I am today. So I agree that sometimes it is a defect in our families personalities that they cannot accept our decisions because it is not what they want us to do...