Hi Travis, I'm new to the permies blog (though I've been a reader for some time, this is my first posting). My husband and I stumbled upon something on YouTube that you might consider. It is a substance called Carbon 60 (C60) and rather than taking on the task of explaining what C60 is, here is a link that explains it much better than I could:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_0FIxZUb1o It's an interview with Clif High on Game Changers/ Sarah Westall. Clif High was diagnosed with an aggressive liver cancer and attributes his recovery to C60. You can find more information from a couple of subsequent interviews by Sarah Westall on YouTube - one with NASA scientists Phil and Max, and another with Tom Martin, owner/CEO of carbon60oliveoil.com (btw the best place we found to purchase it).
I can tell you a bit about our experience with C60. My husband was diagnosed with neuropathy, a disease causing numbness, tingling, and pain - mainly affecting the extremities; in my husband's case, mostly his feet, and his legs, up to his pelvis. He was losing his balance and one doctor told him to start using two trekking poles to walk outside and a cane indoors. After being told by more than one doctor that modern medicine essentially can do nothing for neuropathy, we found the YouTube video I mentioned above. So we tried it (it's a very small expense to try it - even if one were to decide to use it on a regular basis, it is not expensive). After only a small, short-term dose, he has regained his balance and is largely pain- and other symptom-free.
Sending good thoughts your way.