Monni Kyu

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since Jun 09, 2018
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Recent posts by Monni Kyu

Travis, it's obvious from the flood of postings here that everyone who reads this thread is sending a lot of caring thoughts for you out there in the universe.

I just want to mention one more thing, Joseph Murphy wrote a book called 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind' and while I'm not necessarily suggesting that you read this book right now, there are basic principles of thought that can be put immediately into action, at any time. It's called "scientific prayer" and it truly works. Enlist yourself (first of all), and your friends and family to picture you whole, healthy, and strong. Scientific prayer is a powerful tool especially when it is used regularly, but even when applied only in times of great need it has been proven very effective.
6 years ago
Hi Travis, I'm new to the permies blog (though I've been a reader for some time, this is my first posting). My husband and I stumbled upon something on YouTube that you might consider. It is a substance called Carbon 60 (C60) and rather than taking on the task of explaining what C60 is, here is a link that explains it much better than I could:   It's an interview with Clif High on Game Changers/ Sarah Westall. Clif High was diagnosed with an aggressive liver cancer and attributes his recovery to C60. You can find more information from a couple of subsequent interviews by Sarah Westall on YouTube - one with NASA scientists Phil and Max, and another with Tom Martin, owner/CEO of  (btw the best place we found to purchase it).

I can tell you a bit about our experience with C60. My husband was diagnosed with neuropathy, a disease causing numbness, tingling, and pain - mainly affecting the extremities; in my husband's case, mostly his feet, and his legs, up to his pelvis. He was losing his balance and one doctor told him to start using two trekking poles to walk outside and a cane indoors. After being told by more than one doctor that modern medicine essentially can do nothing for neuropathy, we found the YouTube video I mentioned above. So we tried it (it's a very small expense to try it - even if one were to decide to use it on a regular basis, it is not expensive). After only a small, short-term dose, he has regained his balance and is largely pain- and other symptom-free.

Sending good thoughts your way.
6 years ago