Building your own microhydro or picohydro system sounds like great fun.
I have no idea about costs, but there will be a lot of factors:
What does the source/terrain look like?
How much horizontal distance do you have to travel to achieve your 50ft of head?
Are you taking water out of a stream and putting it back in the same stream? Are there fish?
With a small house 5kW continuously may be enough, maybe 10kW for a large house. So I think you will need batteries or other energy storage if you are not connecting to a grid.
Energy from a raised mass = mass x gravity x height.
Power = Energy/time = mgh/time = g x h x (m/t) = gravity x height x mass flow rate
h=17m, g=9.81, m/t=75gpm=5.7kg/s
So at 100% efficiency = 9.81*17*5.7=951W to play with
This may change seasonally.
You can use a turbine selection chart to help you pick an appropriate turbine based on head and flow rate for your site, but there are also other factors
I once designed a turgo turbine system with some other guys at university. It had a pipe taking water into a channel.
The channel then widened to slow the water down, through big filters and then small filters + sedimentation.
Then the pipe which dropped in height shot the water through a nozzle at a turgo turbine.
Then the water went back to the stream.
Pumps can also be run in reverse to act as a generator.
There must be lots of cool arrangements of ponds at different heights where you can use a pump when you have spare energy, and use the same pump to extract energy when you need it.
Eg. Please see attached for an idea.