Nicole Alderman wrote:The main reason coca-cola cleans so well is that it is highly acidic. All that citric acid. BUT, you can get all those cleaning benefits without needing soda. Vinegar is an acid, but not as strong as coca-cola. Citric acid, however, can be bought online in a big bag. I use it for making gummies and jello...and also for cleaning my toilets (and making fun little volcanoes for my kids, but that's a different story...).
In Raven's book, she lists a recipe for lemon peels soaked in vinegar. This is not only a great acidic cleaner, but also has the power of d-limonene, which is also a degreaser. In other words, it works great to get petrol-based gunk (like sticker goop and car oil) off of things. You can use any citrus peals to make a great cleaner. Vinegar is cheap, and orange peals are also really cheap, especially if you like those tasty little mandarin oranges that sell in big bags around Christmas time. That's how I made my orange cleaner!