Plants and animals do "lie" because there is the phenomenon of mimicry, where the animal or plant has physiology or coloration that mimics another plant or something dangerous, like false eyes on caterpillars and moth wings, for example. Also, certain plant and animal species are camouflaged to look like something they are hiding in for protection. It's logical for their survival, but it depends on deceiving other species in their environment. Other animals look like something harmless and that lures in their prey. As for spending energy to kill their own species, that happens too. Many species kill competing members of the population, or other competitive species. Trumpeter swans for example, defend territories and fight to the death other swans entering. Even some plants emit toxins so that their offspring can't sprout near the parents to compete with it. Again, totally logical for their survival. The hardest thing to accept in humans is the lying and killing they do that has no logical purpose for their survival. This is our terminal disease. We get the idea that lying and killing are the only successful strategies, and in the end, we die anyway and what have we left behind for the future? How much of the survival of our progeny have we protected? We destroy not just the ecosystem, but create systems where only our predators, diseases and parasites have anything to live off of. And think we can manage it all forever.