Matthew Moor

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since Oct 15, 2016
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Recent posts by Matthew Moor

Great! Thanks for all those links Bryant... much appreciated
7 years ago

Does anyone know of any good books, dvds, videos etc from an eco/natural building perspective specifically concerning mold, breathable walls, air toxins, volotile compounds, healthy air and stuff like that etc

I am working at becoming a clay plasterer, ive got a decent sense of what makes for healthy environments but would like a more in depth knowledge concerning mold, VOCs etc as way of personal interest and promoting clay against toxic non breathable surfaces, glues, etc etc

7 years ago
Thanks for all those tips Bryant, that all sounds great
7 years ago

Ive planted a sour cherry tree, is there any reason why using a living mulch of white clover and calendula would be a problem?

I thought the white clover would be a good base, and the calendula add some extra seasonal prettiness

Either that or using red clover on its own, which i really like

Otherwise Im happy just using some woodchip mulch, and my main criteria is to get the tree off to the best start possible..  but I just felt like trying something out
7 years ago
Thanks Casie..

that looks great, i think probably I was looking a bit too much for a comprehensive general guide..  youtube does seem to be full of good stuff by narrowing terms to specific types of bush, 'raspberry bush' or 'fruit trees' 'roses' etc.. I can build up my knowledge well that way..  

Does anyone know of any fairly in-depth online video tuition about pruning.. (shrubs, small trees, bushes etc)

I don't mind paying for something decent, but Im finding it hard to find decent online tuition/video.. I'm pretty fed up of reading about such subjects on the internet in a disjointed manner, im kinda saturated by that, and getting lost in an 'internet hole' over it..  or watching fragmented 3 minute youtube videos..

Im just looking for something reasonably conclusive..   the most suitable things I found so far are DVDs such as 'Pruning Shrubs with Your Personal Gardener' or 'Easy Steps To Fruit Tree Pruning'.. but both are DVDs that don't appear to ship outside America..

Im just wondering if Im missing something that offers something directly online, some downloadable videos or something..  any recommendations?

Thanks, Matthew

Thanks..  I really like this candle idea, it does seem a little underpowered.. but then again if I had 3 or 4, it could be worth trying

The small brick rocket heater is great.. I'm gonna experiment with something like this soon..

Tobias, I am in Göttingen.. My girlfriend is from there, and we have a kind of off grid 'urban garden' on the go.. we lived in it from May - October, but will now live in flat till march then start up again with some new developments..

ll check out the werkstattofens..  thanks

8 years ago
Hi Tobias,

thanks very much for the response, the link for your thread and the video..  (and thanks Glenn too, hi )

It's all incredibly interesting.. I think what Ive realized that right now in the situation I am in (wanting to get some heating going pretty quickly for the winter without causing too much trouble/keeping it simple.. we are already sleeping in there sometimes and its getting pretty cold) that I might go for a regular wood burner as a short term solution and then try out a rocket heater at a more suitable point in a more suitable building...  maybe trying an outdoor one first

The cabin is very small, so I also feel it might be some engineering job to make sure it doesn't overheat, (i have read they can burn very hot) or just causes more harm than good..      its probably sensible to wait till ive got a bigger space/do some outdoor trials..    and then plan it into the building from the outset..

now it feels best to take my time on this one, especially as i have various other things on the go..

Thanks for the help..  it seems another issue in itself to find a suitable small wood over to buy for such a small cabin, outside the USA where some manufacturers make super mini ones (ie Fatsco Tiny Tot) at a good price..  the smallest one i can find here is 4kw.. which is suitable for up to 40m2, apparently.. and I have a mere 9m2..   id love to find a super mini regular wood stove that I can actually get hold of, but it doesnt seem possible, unless anyone has any recommendations on that.. ??  Im in Germany..

8 years ago

I'm looking for recommendations for heating a 'tiny' 80 square feet, 9 square metre cabin, insulated reasonably well..

I'm into DIY ideas, or recommendations of stoves...  

It's too small for a normal size rocket mass heater, atleast the ones I have seen.. I would be interested though if anyone knows of a way to make a mini self made brick/metal wood burner or such and could direct me to some resources, or something involving a stove in a DIY way..

im really just looking as small and simple as possible! but still safe, obviously and not filling the cabin with smoke..

Any help would be much appreciated    thanks!
8 years ago