Koes Kesten

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since Oct 26, 2016
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Kernow, Southwest UK
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Recent posts by Koes Kesten

Hi I am growing chestnuts [UK sativa] in southwest UK. I am particularly interested in anyone pollarding/pruning older trees for fruit. Regarding  the above posts... Do you get a reliable large fruit variety from seed or do you then graft onto your new seedstock? I know that sativa is not a true UK native but I would like to understand more about any adverse environmental implications of introducing foreign hybrids etc into a semi-natural domain. There was an issue a while back with (I think) Dutch Hawthorn for hedging flowering out of synch with fauna and messing up the feeding/nesting/rearing cycle. Any further links or info most welcome. Cheers.
8 years ago
Interesting thread - thank you.
I note that you mention grafting rowan (sorbus aucuparia) on to hawthorn. I have plenty of sorbus. Is there a list of things graftable to sorbus? Is it mutual/reciprocal? What benefits are to be gained from other sorbus varieties -  are they sweeter flavours?
I am also wanting to talk to people who are pollarding/pruning old (60 yr) sweet chestnut [UK = sativa] for fruit and also accounts of grafting large fruit varieties into the canopy of an older tree.
Is there anything nice graftable onto beech [UK = fagus sylvatica] ?
8 years ago
First post on this forum.
I am growing Chestnuts (Sativa) in Kernow, southwest UK. Some of the trees are old (60ish years average) and I'm pollarding them back incrementally to ease management and research pruning vs fruiting response.
Firstly I have had rooting going on behind some partially dead bark on one tree. Not sure if this was caused by root compaction by building up ground next to tree. Has anyone else had similar? [photo attached]
Secondly I now have orange fungi around the base of the stem and not on the ground. It was there probably about this time last year but it went away so I ignored it. I think there is more of it this year. Can anyone suggest an ID? [photos attached]. I can add more pictures if required if you tell me what views you need. I was hoping to add more than 3 photos - all that KB reduction for web in vain!!
I am particularly interested in networking with other sativa growers in the UK especially those dealing with older orchards/pollards. Or if there are any English-speaking experts in France/Spain. Or any who wouldn't mind speaking via translator but some of the technical words are translating strangely as tadpole=pollard in French!!
Thank you.

8 years ago