Thyri Gullinvargr

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since Jan 03, 2017
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Thyri picked up Ianto Evan's "The Hand-Sculpted House" shortly after it was published because it was on display at a local bookstore and looked interesting. She's been picking up information about alternative building techniques, passive solar, gardening, etc. ever since. She loves learning new things and tinkering, so Permies helps keep her brain sponge decently saturated.
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Wisconsin, USA Zone 4b-5a
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Recent posts by Thyri Gullinvargr

Because it took me several minutes to spot the link on my phone and it's currently a freebie to folks who are subscribed, this is what you're looking for to download the document. I just logged on to my laptop to download it there too and it's much easier to find in a full browser.
3 weeks ago
Saw this on YouTube:  

Firstly, I thought it was interesting that he seemed to get some rockety, type behavior during his "efficient" burn. Second, I thought that someone might find his design sketches useful for rmh variations. Third, he has an interesting challenge of wanting to test an old original design against the "simplified" mass produced ones and I thought someone might want to play with that.

Also, looks a lot like a Cottage Rocket. 😁
10 months ago
What's the ETA for this to be completed?
11 months ago
Here's a basic description on the site of a permaculture center managed by Cooperativa Las Cañadas in Huatusco, Veracruz, México:

The Spanish videos on this page might also help;

Wikipedia Spanish page on permacultura:
Principios de Permacultura en Español:

Also, you could do a Google search on permacultura (which is how I found the Wikipedia site ): If you're regional settings are for English, Google will try to be helpful and search for permaculture instead. However, you should have a link to "force" it to permacultura. I think the link I gave will already be "forced" to permacultura.

I don't speak much Spanish, but I knew about the Las Cañadas food forest and Google translate let me at least check that the basic information was what I was looking for.
7 years ago
This site has some options that are intended for fermenting but I'm guessing could be used for canning. Examples are using an apple slice or a smaller jar as a weight.

Here's another option, although "seat belting" wouldn't work with your raspberries. You could use an apple like the first site though...
7 years ago
Be judicious about raw veggie juices. I was on a juicing kick at one point and even though I love cooked beets I found raw beet juice didn't agree with me. Sometimes it's just a matter of needing to introduce things gradually. Probably a good rule of thumb in general. Drastic, abrupt dietary change can really mess with some people's systems, especially if they don't usually get much variety.
7 years ago