Hi Darren n Permies,
I was taking the last REX, the online farm planning course and highly recommend it to people who want to be become farmers and make
a living or those who already are farming/ranching and want to improove their business and life.
The course is a lot of work. But hey, Darren never told us it was easy, there are plenty who already have developed those "solutions"
The Regrarian Platform is a very comprehensive and logically structured framework to guide the planning process. The Regrariansare a group
of knowledgable professionals who share in the presentations of the webinars. They are available to help each participant, review your work,
give suggestions and answer your questions. The Workplace is a great "members only" place where you can connect with current and past
participants and see how they deal with similar issues, be they at your stage or more advanced.
I could go on and on! But I just finish by saying, that I have finally found what I was looking for for a few years: someone who puts all this great
practices of Permaculture, Keyline, Forestry, Holistic Managemant, etc. together in a way that can be applied to farming without being Dogmatic!
Hope to meet some of you in the workplace soon, Hedy