Seán Kilduff

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since Jan 16, 2017
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Recent posts by Seán Kilduff

Hi, I'm a 23 year old British/Irish man currently living in Southern England. These past few years I have been saving money to purchase land and create a homestead. This year I am planning to go through with my plans and move to the Baltic (Estonia/Lithuania). I plan to be as self reliant as possible and enjoy living in nature while I am still young!
I'm looking for a young woman (30 and under) to join me. I'm 6ft 3, blue eyes, I've been working as a gardener/archaeologist. Message me if interested

5 years ago
I'm hoping to move to one of the Baltic states or possibly Finland this year to purchase land and get my project going. Just wondering if anyone here has any experience of working in this part of the world?
5 years ago
I'm looking for a young woman to join me in creating a homestead, probably in Britain/Ireland or somewhere else in Northern Europe, hopefully within the next year or so. I'm 6ft 3, brown hair, blue eyes, slim/athletic. My interests are , history , languages, beekeeping and just spending as much time out in the forests as possible.
5 years ago