Hi all,
In live in a town with a large agricultural fair and every year they do not have anything to doo with their piles of poo. Since the only cost is to have someone transport it, I am wondering how much I should get. I have about 2 acres of pasture (without animals yet) and there is a 50x 50 area that I want to turn into an orchard. My property is mostly gravel fill with about an inch or two of top soil. My though is that any organic matter will help; but my wife has some concerns.
The manure is a blend of all animals (pigs, horses, cows, etc). I have heard that horse poo brings with it a lot of weeds and also some undigested medication and vaccinations that horses are given. Should either of these be of concern, especially in an orchard where I will be ingesting the produce? Are their issues with poo from other animals?
The manure pile is apparently, mostly made up of wood shavings and saw dust from the animal stalls. I assume it is pine shavings, but am not sure. Will adding massive amounts of decaying pine shavings make the soil less habitable for some plants or more habitable for others?
With manure, is there a risk of it bringing any disease and/or unwanted bugs?
If you have any other concerns that I have not though of please share.