Thought I'd post an update to the diatomaceous earth posts. We've been selling diatomaceous earth/Fossil Shell Flour for years quite successfully. People have been using it for deworming, killing fleas, ticks, bed bugs you name it.
This past winter we sold a fifty pound bag of it to a housing authority in New York. A few weeks after we sold it we got a threatening letter from a state regulatory agency threatening me with huge fines and jail time for doing it because apparently to use it for pest control it now has to be labeled by the EPA for that purpose. The new EPA registered product is exactly the same thing. Soon after that letter showed up we got a visit from our department of agriculture because the mole who sent the letter to us called the EPA in Washington DC. So now, we've had to reconstruct our web site and add pages for the new product and take down all the pest control information from the main DE page. This has tanked our sales because I think the whole labeling thing and confusion has caused people to think that the product is some how different and maybe toxic which it isn't. We got a similar correspondence from a Dept.of Ag. guy out in Indiana about neem oil. now, even neem oil has to be registered for pesticide use and needs a different label for farms and home gardeners. All of this puts a financial burden on smaller companies and that is the outcome the corporations are looking for. Instead of participating in the strong, growing market for organics, corporations like Monsanto are using their financial power to buy politicians and get their moles planted in state and federal agencies to regulate the hell out of natural products and cause confusion in the public arena.
Just remember, fresh water DE is still fresh water DE no matter what shiny package it comes in. Neem oil is still neem oil and just as safe as ever no matter what package it comes in. Just maointain good practice as you would with anything like clean sorage areas, avoiding freezing and excess heat, keep away from children etc..
Just a note about something posted previously.. it doesn't matter if the DE gets wet. In fact adding a little water and soap to make a slurry you can pour down an ant hole is a good idea. The soap makes it stick and helps do a little smothering and once it all dries out it cakes onto everything including the bugs. You see, diatomaceous earth doesn't dissolve in water. It just gets suspended and settles out when you stop stirring it, unchanged by the water so the soap can actually help it remain in suspension a little longer too.