Pamela Kline

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since Mar 05, 2017
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Recent posts by Pamela Kline

I think that this interview with Brianna Wettlaufer has some very valid and insightful points on building co-operative structures that support this chart. There are quite a few buzzwords in there, and it doesn't apply 100%, but useful points nonetheless, and nice to see development of other business models with co-op principles.
7 years ago
Actually able to seriously consider the upcoming PDC! This makes me both terribly excited, as well as scared due to myself being a permie newbie and perhaps part of the comic relief portion of the course due to my ignorance.  I have listened to some of the podcasts, and consider this opportunity a major next step.  There is a chance I might miss the last day.  Do you think this PDC is appropriate for a newbie?  Do I miss out on the certificate or a major part of the experience if I am unable to attend the last day?
8 years ago