Stacy Witscher

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since Mar 06, 2017
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Recent posts by Stacy Witscher

I really wish that people would research whether a plant is a problem everywhere before making these determinations. I have never lived anywhere that wisteria was considered anything other than a prized ornamental, fussed over and people drive for hours to see beautiful specimens. It's exhausting.
1 year ago
I'm with Ara. I typically use cornstarch to thicken sauces. It requires half the thickener of flour and doesn't have the floury taste. So for 1 cup of liquid, you want 1 Tbsp. of cornstarch. Just combine the cornstarch and liquid while cold because adding cornstarch to hot liquid will create clumps.
2 years ago
I'm really picky about potato salad and will pretty much only eat my own.
Russet potatoes - peeled, cubed and cooked in salted water until they break apart easily with a fork
drain and put in a bowl still warm, add olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper, Stir occasionally while cooling. Add chopped celery and onion that have been sweated until fairly soft. Add diced hard boiled egg, chopped bacon, and chopped dill pickles. Add Best Foods mayonnaise or homemade and spicy brown mustard. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

2 years ago
After all of the tragedy in my life, I'm thankful for a new family member. My grandbaby, Marceline.
2 years ago
Green Chilaquiles - it's a Mexican breakfast dish.
2 lbs. tomatillos
2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and chopped
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp. salt
12 corn tortillas, quartered
oil for frying

Combine first 4 ingredients in 2 cups of water, bring to boil, reduce to simmer. Simmer until everything is soft, about 15-20 minutes. Puree in blender.
Deep fry tortillas in oil. Combine fried tortillas and sauce in a saute pan, heat through, stirring to cover the chips with the sauce.

Many people like these with eggs, scrambled or fried. We like them with sour cream, particularly if we make them spicier.
2 years ago
Jenkin - That would be me. I'm happy to talk to you about off grid living any time you want. You can PM me to talk that way or I can give you more contact info in the PM.
2 years ago
Wow, that's super expensive. I guess I'll stay in the US.
I'm like Heather Staas, I love sex but not casual touch.

For me, it's because my boundaries were constantly crossed in this area so I'm only comfortable being the initiator of touch. The only exception is small children because they are children. I'm not a fan of house cats because they are pushy about wanting to be petted. I've trained my dog to go away when I'm done petting her.

I absolutely loathe cuddling with people but stuffed animals are great.
2 years ago
Trace - Location matters a lot. Our dry season is long and very hot, nothing much survives. Anything that is irrigated gets eaten to the ground. This time of year the deer eat everything including things that are deer resistant. They are bulking up before the winter. The two things that they don't eat are foxgloves and rosemary, but I doubt that they would make good forage for anything. I would suspect that the OP's climate is more like mine being in Texas but maybe they get some summer rain.
2 years ago