Beau de Mello

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since Apr 12, 2017
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Trying to create my own little piece of paradise 😁
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Recent posts by Beau de Mello

Well still no luck haha
But all is progressing along nicely here on the homestead

Beau de Mello wrote:Working on lil over 15 acres in southern middle Tennessee, am new to area from FL most recently, and would be great to meet someone interested in permaculture, simple living, nature, etc.  
Ideally someone around my age give or take 5 or so years.  

5 years ago
I bought 15.25 acres sight unseen, was a little nervous but am very happy with it now that I've got to spend time on it.  I can't speak to everyone's experience with but mine was good.  I did do as much research as possible about area and everything first.  

Also I make no recommendation just sharing experience.
6 years ago

Roddey Cooper wrote:

Beau de Mello wrote:New to TN, have some acreage and am here playing around and attempting to turn it to a permaculture food forest.  Would be great to have some friends near or far who share similar interests.

Hey, how goes it in the wilds of Tennessee? lol
I have been contemplating the very real possibility of a cabin and some land....Or, an RV and just travelling and working where I land.
I'm also single and gay and handy, but not so versed in permaculture, or farming. I didn't grow up in the city, but I didn't grow up on a farm either.
My grandparents used to grow cotton in Arkansas and when they moved to Illinois they always had a big garden and grew everything and every year I helped harvest whatever they had grown.
I hated digging potatoes because it was hot and dirty and there weren't any Tonka trucks, or tractors, or even a mudhole to play in. lol
Anyway, I just turned 53 on Halloween and I'm tired of being alone and tired of most people.
I'd love to chat with you and at least make a new friend if nothing else.
Hope to hear back from you soon.


Hey Rory. Doesn't seem I can send you a message thru here, feel free to try the moose mail thing and shoot me a message.
6 years ago
Working on lil over 15 acres in southern middle Tennessee, am new to area from FL most recently, and would be great to meet someone interested in permaculture, simple living, nature, etc.  
Ideally someone around my age give or take 5 or so years.  
7 years ago