Jay Smithy

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since May 05, 2017
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I am STILL not able to access and edit the post you asked me to edit....
Unfortunately, a ram pump is where you have a supply/flow of water going somewhere else or doing something else, and you are using some of its force to drive a smaller flow of water somewhere, usually upwards.
That is unfortunately not the case here.
I have now found the way to move the water that will work very well, as illustrated above, and now the challenge is cooling the water to where it is good for the fish again.
Unless something else comes up, I will likely be using some combination of cooling coils or radiator and underground geothermal cooling.
Thank you for your suggestion though.
7 years ago
Nest up: Aeration.

Suprized I forgot about this technique, shame on me. Pics and maybe video to explain.
In my particular case/use, I would liely be using a "Passive Return" or drop of water into a reverse venturi, but more likely some combination of two methods.
The question I am seeking answer to is how much air can be introduced into a given minumum flow of water for aeration...
There is also what is called a "Trompe".


Last pic is similar to what I will likely be using; basically a passive return drop line, probably in combination with other means as well.

7 years ago