Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Kelsi Stembel

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since Jul 01, 2017
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Hi Jane and all!

I know this is an old post but I’m hoping you’re all still getting notifications and can help me out! This is my first year in a tiny house and I don’t have running water currently but do have a grey water system. I’m getting cold air coming up through it and causing the limited water in using to freeze in the pipe. I’m not too concerned about now  it except that it has formed a small blockage. I read that Jane has a damper she closes when not using water and if really like to try to install something like that once I get the blockage cleared. I can’t seem to find info on how to do that online. I know of ways that I can DIY it and create a stopper but I was wondering if there was an easier way. My idea is to remove the pipe attached to the output on my house and put in a stopper but doing that every morning and evening would be annoying. Ideally I’d find a way to leave the output pipe on and have a lever of some kind to flip, and eventually find a way to install a switch or something into my house so I don’t have to go outside; the location of my grey water output is fenced in on one side and on an embankment on the other side so it’s not super easy to reach.

Any ideas or products you can suggest would be amazing, thanks!
1 year ago