Hello, it's nice to meet you all. I was referred to this site by a friend a few months ago and it just popped into my head again so I decided to sign up. I have been interested in off grid living for quite a while now and I was hoping to pick up a few tips from those who live it every day. I'm very new to the term "permaculture" but the definition is slowly starting to sink in as I've been scrolling through the posts here. You all seem like good people as far as I can tell. I wish to perpetuate the positivity that is being displayed here by being respectful and remembering who was here first but I do have a tendency of straying to topics which some might find controversial. If I ever do cross a line for anyone, please say so in a courteous manner and I will reflect that courtesy back. All I ask is for minds to be open with certain subjects so that free thought is not restricted. Truth and understanding is all I seek for both myself and for you all.
Despite having Irish heritage, I'm actually a pretty level headed guy and I don't enjoy offending others like I've seen on other forums. Jerks like that killed the forum I grew up posting my thoughts on. They ended up overwhelming the moderators with their constant antics and forced everyone to leave until there was nothing left but trolls sharking all the posts. I don't want to see that happen again because it just makes everything suck. I do like to swear to emphasize a point at times but I promise I won't turn my topics into Limp Bizket lyrics.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.