Laura Banks

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since Nov 28, 2017
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Great idea, Kevin!  I wonder if that's the value of juniper litter in this arid climate - that it allows the water to seep through and then maybe keeps moisture from evaporating out of the soil layer beneath? Shot in the dark.

Anne, Kevin mentioned that he has only One Seed Juniper. Are you in this area too?
7 years ago
Thanks Kevin.  I will keep you posted as well.  I found a couple studies about how one-seed juniper and Utah juniper don't seem to affect native grasses chemically,it's the depth of the litter and physical characteristics that inhibit growth.

Here are the articles I've found:
7 years ago
I live in north-central AZ, at 5,000 feet.  I am new here.  I told a friend from Mexico that we just put a load of horse manure on a garden bed we're starting and he said, "Don't use manure.  It gets too hot and it dries out too quickly.  You'll have to water it a lot."  He said, "you have a lot of junipers on your property, right?"  

We do.  They are one-seed and Utah junipers.  He said that the soil should be good.  Just use litter from the trees instead of manure.  He said the litter is especially good for growing peppers.  I'd always thought junipers were very allelopathic, but the research I've googled up  indicates that they aren't. Isn't that interesting?  Should I try my friend's advice?
7 years ago