Robert Wilson

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since Feb 01, 2018
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Thank you for the feedback, very much appreciated!!!.

I made some adjustments...

I have an old pancake compressor I can use for the water tank.  It will be snug the outer drum is about 14"ID and the tank is 13"OD.
I adjusted the Rocket stove to all 6" tube.  I will use steel tube and weld it all together.

The riser is only 18".  Is this tall enough? does height matter?
The taller it goes the deeper I need to dig it under ground in order to keep the tank level with the water line for thermal siphon. I really want to dig as minimal hole as possible.

Any input, comments, concerns, advice, discussion greatly appreciated.........

7 years ago
I am working on building a rocket pool heater and can use some advice from the experts here....

Please review my drawing.....

I plan to build a standard rocket stove and run the riser tube through steel tank that I have.  This would expose the water to the heat of the riser and the outer chamber.  I plan to either pump the water from the pool or allow it to thermal siphon.

My biggest concerns are:
- Efficiency - is this tank method more or less efficient than the tubing wrapped around the riser that if seen?
- Over pressure - The water system will be pressurized by the steam / thermal siphon.  Can this be dangerous?
- Is my rocket stove itself a good method? 4" square feed tube / 6" square burn chamber / 4" round riser / perlite ins / steel drum outer chamber ?

Any advice, feedback comments, concerns, discussion would be appreciated.

Thank you,

7 years ago