Would turning and reviving a dead compost heap count towards Oddball points?
Here's my submission, anyway. If it does not count, that's allright - maybe it will be helpful for other permies looking into compost turning, compost activators, and what to do when the heap dies on you.
I am still a novice, and though I have turned compost heaps before, it has not always been "successful", i.e. resulted in a warmer compost afterwards. I was not sure it would work this time either, as it is september and temperatures are dropping (around 10 C max temps during daytime). Last year, a compost heap was turned in october, and that had no effect at all.
This time, however, it worked!
The recipe was:
lots of waterlots of green fresh material (compost activators): nettles, ground elders, japanese knotweed leaves, black currant leaves, and some grass that came along with the nettlesbreaking up all lumpsand mixing the material well.
It took me a full day of work in total, spread in bits over a week, as gathering material, breaking up lumps, and mixing properly took a lot of time. I guess it would have taken some time for an expert too...but then, an expert would have avoided the whole issue by remembering to water properly

so that is very much noted for the future. (and if you wonder - the bins have roofs because of the rain, to avoid becoming anaerobic.)
Note: Compost might not be in line with the PEP values, but maybe Otis would appreciate? Due to the wet, cold climate here, mulching with uncomposted materials lead to lots of slugs. I still do it in some areas (around potatoes and berries), but around vegetables, finished compost works much better. Also, I kinda like the compost work. Looking after the heaps feels a bit like looking after farm animals. That's not weird - is it?