Maxi Rice

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since Feb 22, 2018
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Rebecca Norman wrote:Note: this question is about Asimina triloba, a deciduous tree native to North America, not about papayas, a tropical tree. Australians and some other countries call papayas pawpaw, and if it's not clarified right off the bat, they might derail and confuse your question.

I'm sorry, I don't know of any pawpaw suppliers in Europe. I saw a really good "edible landscaping" seed and plant source website based in the UK, but I forget the name. Pawpaw seeds have to kept moist and cool over the winter, and then take a very long time to germinate the following spring and summer, so they are little trickier than most to grow from seed.

I've always thought pawpaw is just another word for papaya. Thanks.
6 years ago
Cassava tubers are usually safe after processing. They can be fermented or sun dried to remove the cyanide.
6 years ago
I love the idea of fertilizing soil with biochar, but I'll have to wait until I can buy my own farmland! I've read a lot about all the amazing benefits but just can't reap it for the moment.
7 years ago