Nicholas Brown

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since Apr 21, 2018
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In general, I don't like to repair keramic things, I just throw they out. But sometimes we have memorable things that we want to live longer and that will be given to our children when they grow up. I guess, almost everybody has such things. And I'm no exception. So, thanks for the video!
6 years ago
Thanks a lot for this video! My little son plyed with several books and they don't look good anymore. So, I'll try your method.
6 years ago
WOW! I didn't think there are so many people who like homemade toys! Personally I've never tried to do them, but I think, it can be a good thing to do together with my son. He is only 2,9 now, but time passes fast, so I'll bear the idea in mind. Thanks!
6 years ago
It sounds interesting! Frankly speaking, I haven't tried a self massage. But I think, I should do it as I work on computer several hours every day. Thanks a lot, I'll try it!
6 years ago
Great thread! Unfortunately, I'm not alone who suffer from uncomfortable chair. I have to spend many hours working on computer. My office chair doesn't suit it as I have neck and back pain sitting on it. So I use a soft armchair now. But I'm thinking about buying another office chair. Though I don't want to do this online, I'm sure it is better to go to the shop and choose a proper chair sitting on it (I had bad experience with my first chair). I've found several great suggestions here. Thanks for sharing, guys!
6 years ago