We live in Alabama where we mainly have hot and humid weather with maybe 2-3 months of chilly weather around the 20s or 30s, give or take. We rarely have snow but freak occurrences do happen and we get about 57" of rain annually.
Our budget is tight (under $1,000) and our timeline is short (2-3 months max).
We dug down about 1.5 ft and did a jar test (see image) but I don't know if we did it right and if we did, I'm not sure if we have decent site soil to build with. Thoughts? If we don't, what kind of clay and sand do we need to buy? How many tons of each for a 200-300 sq ft house with 8' tall walls on the front and 6' tall walls on the back?
Do we need a rubble trench or can we build the house on an above ground foundation such as a deck? If a trench is best, what kind of gravel and pipe do you all recommend? Is a 1/4" drop per ft good enough for the slope?
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!