Mara Maralal

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since May 23, 2018
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Recent posts by Mara Maralal

Sounds good. I like your plant and tree choices.You mentioned senna interplanted with the crop. How does sesbania sesban do around there? And also faidherbia albida somewhere on swale or interplanted...It's really good for arid places and improving crop fertility.
Other thing I would like to it mainly a sorghum crop monoculture that is required or do you have the chance to break it up with some drought tolerant legumes like lentils?
Guess the only way to avoid watering after is to plant right at the start of the long rains. Don't know much about Chad's rain patterns. Do you have a rainy season coming up? Ours (Kenya) is just ending.
Good luck with it. Keep us posted.
6 years ago
Hi Maureen...I really enjoyed your blog. It really inspired me to start my own some time. Don't lose hope...if you're feeding the neighborhood kids with produce from your own farm, then you are a successful farmer. I know lots of people with PDCs who like to talk a lot but have never produced a thing.
As a fellow Kenyan, I can relate to a lot on here - the goat and cattle encroachments, the very dry seasons and how to get your farm through them....and now, the flooding...haha.
About the diabetes, ever tried good old cinnamon...about 1/2 tsp a day should do it. You can spread it over a few cups of tea. Also guava leaves are pretty good with that.
There are other cheaper pdc options out there like Practical Permaculture Institute (PPI)
They recently did permaculture installations in some schools in Kakamega, perhaps you can check that out, get some ideas on how to set up some systems at your farm. Would be great to see you have a demo site and start teaching those kids some sustainable farming, nutrition and lots of stuff... also get them to help around...learn on the job. Make it fun for them. These are great life skills.
Again, keep it up. Great stuff!
6 years ago