Brand new poster here! Hello to all, and thank you in advance! So I have recently been introduced to the amazing idea of doing a permaculture food forest, by way of youtube. I have an area in which I want to build mine, but it isn't the most level. It isn't badly sloped by any means, but the videos from which I'm getting my info are saying to put down a very thick wood chip layer, and I would hate to build a fence; put down loads of wood chips; have it wash down in a heavy rain; and be left having to pull out the fence and start from scratch (which is how my luck usually goes). I can post pics if that would help (I'm sure it would), when I get home. I know that it's supposed to be based on the way nature was intended, and what are the odds that nature is nicely graded? I'm EXTREMELY excited to see what I can create, and I want to get it right the first time. Thank you in advance!