Susan Mené

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since Sep 16, 2018
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Recent posts by Susan Mené

Carla Burke wrote:

Susan Mené wrote: I'm pretty open to trying stuff, yet Potato candy makes me pause....
Yeah, I'd try it!  Has anyone here had it?

I have. It's actually pretty yummy, and I'll occasionally crave it. The predominant flavor is peanut butter, but how strong it is depends on how thick the peanut butter layer is. Annnnnd, now I want some, and we're out of peanut butter, lol.

Hahaha, that's a bummer!
I'd have to use sunflower seed butter, but I'll look up a recipe and try it

2 days ago

Kim Minn wrote:Hi, I am also interested in cloudberry seeds if anyone has any extra. My grandma grew up eating them before she moved to the US, and i’d love to cultivate a few plants to grow some for her. i know it’s a tedious process but am OK with that!

I have no cloudberry seeds, but I bring you a warm welcome!  
keep coming back!
3 days ago
I'm pretty open to trying stuff, yet Potato candy makes me pause....
Yeah, I'd try it!  Has anyone here had it?
3 days ago
My profile is a little different:  I live on Long Island on a shy acre, working with nature to "create a better world in my own back yard".
1 week ago
I love vegetables and hummus, and getting them right outside your door is wonderful.
If you ever get a craving for crackers, here's a recipe I found a while ago:
1 week ago
Walking the land each day has helped me the most.  
I was going to write more, but when I re-read your post I realized you pretty much said it all.
1 week ago
Welcome to permies, Vadim! We're nice people here; please come back often!  

Great idea.  Will peruse the site thoroughly later today, I'm so interested.
An apple for you!

1 week ago
    Hi Dian, great topic!
    I've had many recipe "fails', but when I have to throw something out, it's painful. I love having as little waste as possible.  The first article I ever read on low-to-zero-waste cooking had a recipe for beet greens.  It was a long time ago, but I must have whipped out the salt-olive oil-garlic method.  They tasted like dirt. Not "earthy", just dirt. Out they went.
     Since then,  I haven't put an effort into making beet greens alone.  I find the smaller, younger leaves taste much better.  I chop them up and add them other greens and foods.  I think I should try blanching them first.
1 week ago
For me getting/finding/creating more space to grow is such a happy thing.
I wish you rich soil, much learning, and a bountiful harvest...or just a harvest. Sometimes it takes time.
1 week ago
Now, as winter is winding down, I am going to begin putting diced fresh garlic onto my breakfast every day.  I'm sure it will taste fine mixed with lentils, top of eggs, mixed with cream cheese and spread on toast or a half-bagel.  If not breakfast, I can work in raw garlic somewhere.

In an attempt to test whether cooked garlic will work, I will roast and spread it on many foods, and often.  All in the spirit of experimentation.
It has nothing to do with the fact that I love roasted garlic.

1 week ago