jim loggin

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since Nov 28, 2018
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I've lived in texas most of my life.i now live not to far from Jacksonville TX..I've gotten into gardening somewhat. I got into home canning,which i love doing.
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I won't use zip lock bags for that very reason. Freezer burn.plus the meat still goes bad to easy. That's why i'll use vacuum seal bags only. I can vacuum seal 16 pork chops.5 months later they'll be still good as the day I put then into the freezer.
5 months ago
The only fuel's I'll use indoors is natural gas propane and wood,even then the way their suppose to be used.all other type of fuel's,I won't use indoors,on account I consider them as unsafe for indoor use. I've been doing a better job of preparing for outages since February 2021. I've pretty well got heat covered. I'm now looking into the propane camp stove/oven setups.and hopefully I'll find one that's indoor safe. That way I'll be able to cook and heat the place at the same time.
1 year ago
My mom had arthritis pretty bad in both hands,so she was losing strength in both hands.plus she had cupletone in both thumbs.a button fastener did wonder's at helping her to button her shirts/blouses.then there's the pul over shirts, blouses dresses and pants with zippers.add a shoe lace or what ever to them.my needed a handheld flashlight every once in a while.so I bought one she can pickup and use when needed.plus it's one that'll plug into a Electric outlet for recharging,then unplugged for useage and a easy to use on/off switch..it worked so well for her,I bought a 2nd one for her on account they run down some where between 2 to 5 days.
1 year ago
There's a lot of great suggestions.but I read only one mention of removing the stinger .even then,that wasn't until a nurse got there and used a debit card to remove it.to me that's not good if you're allergic to bee stings.im not allergic to them ,but I will and do use a finger nail to scratch it until the stinger is gone, that keeps more venom from being pumped into the stung area.then I go and wash off the stung area.
2 years ago
I'm thankful for the gas,water, electric and central heat/ac that comes with the roof over my head.and the different ways I have for staying warm when the electric goes off.food on the table.money in the bank.the vehicle that I have.my internet friend's and family.my four legged furry girl. she'll be 12 come January
2 years ago

I'll need to wait until I'm at the library.on account I have limited internet on my phone


Mark Brunnr wrote:

jim loggin wrote:All of the meats I have in the freezer  can be canned as is or cooked then canned..I might not want to try that with the fish thoe.on account I've never home canned fish before.

Simple Living Alaska has some videos on preserving their fish, using brines, smoking, and canning:


2 years ago
I'm thinking no worries.but Did you make sure there was no bubble's before you put the lid and ring onto the jar?. The canning book's I've used for soup's and chili say to make sure that there are no bubble's if I remember right.even then. that's only to be on the safe side.if I figure right.
2 years ago
I've had different breeds of animals for pet's, from a very young age up to now.in which I'm more of a dog person than a cat person.but yet.i don't have anything against cats.it's just that their fur dry my eyes and make them itchy.but yet they are good to have. especily if you're a cat lover.their good for keeping the mouse population down.and that makes a great deal if you live in the country,or on afarm or ranch with barns, storage buildings and other structures. ferral cat's are very handy when it comes to that.
3 years ago
I now have some serious canning ahead of me.i got me 5 hole chickens today.gonna cook  one at a time.then start the canning once their all cooked.
3 years ago