Tamarlane Ivey

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since Mar 14, 2019
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Recent posts by Tamarlane Ivey

I learned to can by buying a pressure canner and going for it.  I am more of a "rebel" canner kind of gal.  One of these posts says they say not to can flour or dairy.  I've found the dairy to be untrue.  I can both butter and ghee to improve the lifespan of butter.  Yes, I have a good size freezer that is currently holding about 20 or 30 pounds of butter.  I have 1/2 pint jars at room temp canned in '21 and still tasty.  I learned this from Homestead Heart on YouTube.  There is LOTS of helpful information there, just use your brain and comfort level in deciding what to do.  
As you point out there are commercialy canned pasta, pumpkin puree, stews... These are all available to us in the stores, yet TPTB says it's a huge no-no for us.  Explore and use your common sense.
11 months ago
HELP! I am interested in making an RMH, however I can't find where to get the firebrick.  No matter how I frame the question, I literally get EVERY brick under the sun.
Where oh where can I source Firebrick??
Thank you for any help that may find its way to me.
1 year ago
I have only been canning for about 3 years now.  I looked and found the Presto 23 qt canner was the largest affordable one for my budget.  Denali also has a comparably priced canner now, that I'm thinking about.  I did the water bath canning once and found it to be a pain.  Then I found out about steam canning and it was MUCH better, not all that water and weight.  I didn't know anything about canning or have anyone to call and quiz about it when I had (or thought I did) a problem.  
Pressure canning is my go-to now.  I recently had sirloin pork chops on sale and bought them.  After boning and trimming them I canned 16 pint jars with approx a pound of meat in each jar.  It worked out to $1.67 a jar.  Even Dollar General won't get you a pound of pork for that.  I also canned up 15 jars of pork loin at $1.77 a jar.  Try finding that anywhere else.
As time goes on I explore different things that I hear about.  For instance, I discovered Homestead Heart on youtube.  I watched a video of canning butter.  It makes freezer/fridge stable butter, room temp stable!!  Well as I had a freezer full of butter I sacrificed 16 pounds of butter to experiment.  I still have some of those 32 1/2 pint jars on the shelf.  I will admit it took forever for it to cool enough to mix the solids with the liquids and they now have a small bit of brown solids at the bottom.  As your confidence and skill grow you may find yourself willing to expand your comfort envelope.  Good luck.
1 year ago
I watch foreign cooking videos sometimes.  While they state the measurements in metric, it comes up in imperial on the video itself.  Also in the book you could put one (the one you're most comfortable with) on the left with the other measurement either to the right of / or in ( ) so folks would know.  It seems like it would be space effective in the print book.  I have no idea how difficult it would be to add to a video.
Looking forward to the book!
1 year ago
I will be kickstarting your book when it gets going, earlier if possible.  I like the small batch idea as well as your explaining what, where, why, and how of the pitfalls and successes.  My personal take on the style of the book would be sprial bound, so I could lay it flat while reading and not have to fight to stay on the page I was reading. I am also wondering about converting recipes from goat to cow milk.  I'm a WHOLE lot more likley to have a cow than a goat.
1 year ago
I love the idea!!  You are right about the smaller batch theory.  While I don't have any dairy animals at this point, I could find someone selling goat's milk for cheese making.  So small batches would be essential for me.  Also, I live in the US so I'm not even remotely schooled in the metric weights & measures. The cover shot is great also.
1 year ago
I would love to get one of your cookers!!!  Please I am serious I want to get one.