João Brazão

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since Feb 21, 2019
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To make kefir grains, one needs to slaughter a still milk fed sheep and scrape the lining
from the small intestines. This intestinal flora is them introduced into a goatskin bag
with milk. The mixture is left to ferment for 48 hours, shaking the bag every hour.
After 48 hours of fermentation, the mixture should be coagulated, at which point 75% of
the mixture is discarded and replaced with fresh milk. This procedure is repeated for 12
weeks, at which point a polysaccharide layer will form on the goatskin.
This layer is removed and used to ferment milk. As the polysaccharide ferments the milk,
the grains will propagate (grow in size).
source: The Anunnaki Gods
4 years ago
Is it true that rock dust accelerates composting? Can this be done by simply adding dirt to the compost pile?

I've come across this idea while I was researching rock dust and how to make it more bioavailable to plants, since there is much controversy about the beneficial impact of rock dust on crop yield and plant growth.

What are your thoughts on this?
4 years ago
I work on 10 acres of land and I farm vegetables only. I'm wondering how you guys would go about obtaining large amounts of organic matter to compost? I know I can buy manure and wood chips but, what about other types of organic matter. What kind of organic matter besides wood chips and manure is usually sold in large quantities?
4 years ago

Bryant RedHawk wrote:I am not familiar with any mushrooms that would grow in a Eucalypt.
I am surprised that shitake and turkey tail have worked for you.
Perhaps you could email Paul Stamets?

I'll try... is his email address? I found it on google. Not sure if it works or not.
6 years ago
Hey. I'm from Madeira Island and I wanted to ask you guys, especially those with knowledge about the mushroom log cultivation, what you think about growing mushrooms on Eucalyptus? From what I gather through my online research, Eucalyptus kinda sucks... but that's basically the most predominant tree available here. Am I limited to Shiitake and Turkey Tail or is there any chance Eucalyptus will work with other fungi species as well? Hope to hear from you guys.
6 years ago