Orin Forbes

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since Mar 15, 2019
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hey thanks for the warm welcome! I live about 2.5hrs straight west of prince albert at Turtle Lake. I do most of my building and market at the lake. are you from prince albert Jess? I look forward to meeting more Saskies here.
thanks Hugo for the kind words, that building is where the lucky person gets to stay or else in one of the rooms in the my house, which ever they prefer. I built that building last year and hope to build more. Being a hippie at heart in the typical construction business there is soo soo much waste so needless to say I accumulate a lot salvaged building materials. That building is made from 95% salvaged materials. I have been fortunate enough to do alot "green" projects but still do mostly typical construction jobs (gotta pay the bills!). Here are a few more picks of the inside of the "sparrow house".  its hard to get pics since it is so small.
5 years ago
Hey there, my names is Orin, Im 30yr olds and live with lovely wifey on a beautiful 40acre homestead in northernish Saskatchewan, Canada. I Have carpentry business that i started 9 years ago and a very new market garden business. And I need help for both!
I am looking for a person or a couple that would be interested working 3-4 10hr days a week as a carpenter/laborer for pay (starting wage 16/hr and will go up from there based on performance) and then 1-2 day gardening for a room(or tiny house) and Delicious fresh food!
experience in carpentry isn't necessary. i would rather someone with a good attitude and is enthusiastic then someone that is grumpy with a lot of experience. i enjoy teaching people how to build and garden and enjoy having fun while working. One requirement is you must be comfortable with heights as we do some roofs. Age or gender does not matter to me.
we build all sorts of stuff from full houses start to finish to building indoor grow boxes for schools to micro truck campers, tiny house, deck gardens, and on and on.
for our market garden we grow a wide variety of organic vegetables for CSA and are hoping to do more market gardens this year. I'm really looking for someone that is very interested in growing food, as i am deeply passionate about being a food warrior and not only providing people with good clean food but also empowering and helping them to grow there own.  I am doing the market garden as more of a passion then a profitable business (hopefuly profitable in the future).
so in exchange for helping be part of growing food with me i will provide you with room and board and a full time paying job. This will be for the summer of 2019 from may/june to sept/oct. Im very open to possible other working arrangements as well.
we also like to enjoy ourselves in summer by going to music festivals, hiking, canoeing, camping, fishing etc. we have lots of bush to explore around here!

Let me know if this sounds like something you would be interested in doing this summer or if you have anyquestions and we can talk more. my e-mail is borealbuilders@gmail.com
looking forward to hearing from you!
5 years ago