Shelby Milner

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since Apr 08, 2019
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Recent posts by Shelby Milner

I would love some tips for our garden. And if you're interested in future videos please subscribe and like the video. I was love some input either way. Thank you.  
Thanks! Let me know what you think
We are the Cardwell family. Me and my husband farm a 1/4 acre garden in Millsap, Tx. Currently we are growing all kinds of good stuff. I also am an avid seed saver. I currently go to College to achieve a B.S. in Wildlife, sustainability, and ecosystem sciences- Horticultural management.
I wanted to share with everyone, our YouTube channel. It is still small but it will grow throughout the next year's. I really hope everyone enjoys and I would love some feedback on what we could do to improve our channel. Please subscribe and share to help us out. Also we are on Facebook -Cardwell Farm
It looks like the top picture
5 years ago
burrs. I love this stuff I don't want burrs. I was even debating growing it XD so is it hedge parsley?
5 years ago
It doesnt have any flowers. Sorry those little yellow ones are from a different weed. They look mostly similar. Except the stems are different. This grows in patches but it grows upwards. More like tuffs
5 years ago
I have this weed that grows In my north texas yard. My chickens absolutely love it. Its soft and pretty and my rabbits like it too. For the life of me I can not figure out what it is called though. Can anyone help me?
5 years ago