Thanks Tereza, I'm so glad you took the time to watch the video and also for giving me some useful feedback. I'm with you on the length of videos -- I prefer the 10-15 minute range for most stuff and will aim for this in my videos unless it's a quick "how to" which should probably be shorter than 10 minutes!
The sun here is really intense, wet cloths on the line dry within an hour or less once the sun is out :) Now that the rains are starting, growth will be really intense for the next couple of months. I just planted some more greens, some arugula, cauliflower, sunflowers, divided the artichoke, etc. I'm sure things will do very well in the coming months -- it's just that once the dry season is here (especially the latter half when the ground is without any moisture) little-irrigation gardening is challenging.
Looking forward to checking out some of your gardening activities as well, especially since you mentioned that there's some similarities already!