Jeremy Finzel

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since Aug 02, 2019
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Hello! I am a new one and found this community out of my interest in growing Apple trees. I also am an avid outdoor worm composter!

I have a young wine crisp apple tree that is already getting nice apples, but the tree is too weak too hold most any of them.

My question is about pruning this tree. From what I have read about the angles branches should be, the current growth pattern seems really bad. Most of the branches go out at a really sharp upward angle. The lower branches too seem to have the opposite problem that they are going toward the ground, but this is skewed right now by the Apple weight.

Lastly, I’m not sure about whether to go the central leader or open center route. I am inclining towards the latter, but not sure in either case what I want to keep!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Pictures attached.
5 years ago