Lucia Whitten

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since Sep 18, 2019
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Recent posts by Lucia Whitten

Welcome and thank you sharing your knowledge with us!
2 years ago
Thanks for offering this to us! I’ve wanted to mill my own but haven’t found an affordable option.
3 years ago

r ranson wrote:I'm toying with a crazy idea and trying to figure out the logistics of it.  Is it even possible?  Can you help plan this to see if it's within my skillset?

I'm thinking of making a spinning wheel out of gingerbread.  It doesn't have to spin yarn, but it does need to look like a real spinning wheel.

So how do you do this?  Do you cut out the bits then bake or bake then cut and dry somehow?  How do you get them not to warp when baking/drying?

What recipe do I use?

I know nothing.  help?

Hi! Use construction gingerbread, it’s what the professionals use. Just google “construction gingerbread” and you’ll get a bunch of recipes. Alton Brown is usually pretty good. A hint for the dough, I like rolling the dough out on a cookie sheet and cutting out the parts needed, leaving the good parts and the leftover parts in place and bake it all. When done, go through the cuts with a knife and let cool on the cookie sheet. You’re waiting for them to cool and firm up so that you don’t warp the gingerbread. Also, if you use caramel (homemade) on the edges as glue when you’re putting your it together, it dries quick and strong. Good luck, I’d love to see a pic of what your end results look like.
3 years ago
Hi, I didn't take a pic of the ingredients or mixing before I saw this post. I'm sorry but here is my homemade bread pic plus the link to Julia Child's Sandwich Bread Recipe which is what I used. I hope this will be enough to earn my badge. I'm sure I'll be making more soon, tho. Love everyone's pics!
Hi John,
I live in southern California, can we grow Elderberries in this climate?
5 years ago
Welcome John Moody! Thanks for spending time with us. Lucia
5 years ago
Hi John,

Where will your book be available to buy (if I don't win a copy)? What would you say is the number one medicinal use for Elderberries?


Garden Girl
5 years ago