r ranson wrote:I wonder if a dishwasher would damage them? We haven't actually pressure canned in these jars yet and the people I gifted to don't have a pressure cooker/canner.
r ranson wrote:Every time I got a jar back, the rubber was stretched beyond recognition.
Skandi Rogers wrote:As another European I read the American preserving rules.. and I see money
Denise Cares wrote:To answer the first question of what is a reliable source to know how a drug is metabolized you simply have to look up the drug in a PDR (Physician's Desk Reference). This is a gigantic book available for purchase at a hefty price or check on-line at www.pdr.net. E-mail for info to: < customer.service@medec.com>. You might also check at the local library or a medical library if you live near one. Many doctor's offices, clinics, and all pharmacies and hospitals have them for use by the staff in various departments. In this reference book you'll find info on pharmacokinetics, metabolism, elimination of drug and route of elimination, half life and other detailed info about drug interactions, uses, warnings, etc. There are also PDR's for other things like Nutritional Supplements, Herbal Medicines and Nonprescription Drugs. You might even ask a medical professional or library if they would give you their old/retired copy when they update to a new edition.