Karl Teceno

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since Mar 16, 2010
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I haven’t posted here in a long time.
Looking for some input. I am thinking about planting strawberries on a leach bed. Strawberries are fairly shallow rooted so it should be no problem, right ?


4 years ago
I grew my potatoes in burlap sacks this year. A fair amount of the sacks rotted and fell apart. Those that didn't certainly won't be reusable next year. I was not impressed.

12 years ago
Brenda... where did you get your calendar?

12 years ago
We live in the city. My wife has two horses that she boards about 8 miles away. She brings home 3 or 4 five gallon buckets (with lids on them) in her VW Beetle everytime she visits her horses. I prefer green, not aged manure. I use a layer of shredded leaves then a layer of the manure, alternating until the bin is full. I wet it down as I layer it. In about 3 days, the pile is steaming and extremely hot. After 5-6 weeks, I haul it to the garden (all but the outside edge which is not broken down) It makes great compost.

12 years ago
I sort of do the same thing. I have several lengths of old vinyl gutter screwed to a picket fence. They are on an incline so that the low end of the top one is above the high end of the one beneath it and so one. I put a small amount of shredded straw in the bottom of the gutter. I put whole oats, buckwheat and winter rye on top of the straw and soak it. The extra water runs thru the top run of gutter then trickles down to the next one, etc. The sprouts form a thick mat intertwined with the straw and I just lift and cut a matted section and give it to the chickens. when one section is empty I relpant and continue using the next section. It make the feed last longer and is higher in nutrition than just the seeds.

12 years ago
Anyone ever use steel culvert for the stoves pipe?

12 years ago
Sorry, what I meant to say was you may need more nest boxes. We have 6 hens. I originally had only 1 nest box. We had the same problem, broken eggs and a mess. I rebuilt the nest box, enlarging it and then splitting it in two. We haven't had an issue since.

12 years ago
more egg boxes
12 years ago
Sure, I have do it myself. I use on old extension cord because I dont need it to be hot until a certain point.

12 years ago
Shredding them helps the most but the winter rye adds tons of biomass/organic matter to the soil with not much effort. Not shredding the leaves tends to make them become a thick, wet mat and takes a lot longer for them to break down.

12 years ago