Neil Binderman

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since Dec 25, 2019
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I'm in South East New Mexico, so fairly close to Texas and with the same 100F plus Summer temps.
I recently built a gambrel roof greenhouse (Thank you Ana White) which is covered in a 50% shade cloth all the time, and in the Winter I cover the shade cloth with 6mil greenhouse plastic film.
So I have shade from the summer sun and insulation in the Winter.
So far it seems to work.
4 years ago
Make sure the epoxy is designed for boats, that is, it's flexible. Ordinary epoxy is hard and brittle, but the stuff for boats is designed to be underwater all the time.
4 years ago
Worth watching simply for your cable connector crimper idea, and to show that lead acid batteries are still a good option.
As someone who's planning to expand a 1.4KW system to 6KW it was very helpful.
Thank you so much.

4 years ago
Check on an Arduino forum. they are always on the lookout for new projects.
Something like this could be easily modified.
5 years ago
Old trick.
Get your length of flexible pipe, any diameter you want, I've done this with 1 1/4 ID pipe.
Tie a nut or bolt to the end of a piece of string and drop bolt and string into the pipe and out the other end. Remove the bolt and replace with a piece of rag, preferably soaked in the liquid you want to siphon to reduce friction.
Put the end of the pipe with the rag into the liquid reservoir then pull the string from the other end and the siphon will start.
5 years ago
It happens to my trees all the time.
Not sure why but I just spray with my DIY insecticide after harvest, and then with my DIY fungicide at bud break.
The trees are doing fine so far.
5 years ago
I've been using Firefox for a while, and with every new 'upgrade' it uses more memory and is ever more bloated.
The lasted version won't give the option to stop any more updates which defeated the whole object of open source software.
By uninstalling Firefox completely and reloading a previous version it now works so much faster.
Just remember to check the never check for updates button on the older version before you connect to the internet or you're back to square one.