Hi Permies,
Looking for some feedback on an idea for a clay slope with around 80% runoff. This idea is for a clay slope with a dam around mid slope. A swale is attached to the mid slope dam and there is also another swale 4 metres lower in elevation from the dam.
Context - There is a short and intense wet season and a long dry season with about 7 months having almost no rain. Every drop of rain is valuable in the dry season!
Rain overflows the mid slope dam multiple times over the wet season.
Idea - Over the first 4 months of the wet season water is released from the mid slope dam down to 3 bunyip pumps which pump water to a higher water storage. Bunyip pumps pump at 60% efficiency. The water released from the mid slope dam down to the bunyip pump leaves capacity for the next rain to fill the dam reducing overflow on the swales and giving time for water to be slowly released into the lower swale and have time to soak in. The last month of the wet season pumping stops to ensure the mid slope dam is full to capacity.
Please let me know if there are any problems with the concept or calculations. I hope it is sound as it could transform this site or other similar sites very quickly. Note there are some variations in the specifications provided by the Bunyip pumps company. I have taken the average of their official specs and some correspondence they sent me. Please check out the links and attachments for details and calculations.
If correct this idea doubles water infiltration and pumps 10 + ML to 35 metres in the first year. It would be possible soak in all wet season rain within a few years with improved infiltration rates. The current infiltration rate is only 2mm per hr.
Diagram of the idea
Refer to attachments for Bunyip pump specs.
The dams are intended to be integrated with swale food forest and planned grazing like some of the features in this animation.
Thanks for feedback!